Petroleum has been a registered Operator in Texas and Louisiana
for oil and gas field operations since 1998 and with actual drilling operations
for more than 15 years. Harvest Petroleum has actively
participated in over 350 wells in different stages of oil and gas field
We work with industry partners concerning drilling, re-working, and improving
existing production in West Texas and Central California.
Core Values...
* Striving for Excellence with a Focused Urgency
* Complete Research & Due Diligence on all of our Projects
* Mutual respect for all partners, vendors, consultants and affiliates
* Ethical Dealings with the industry we are in
Harvest Petroleum Team...
Bob Harvey - President, CEO.
Paul Strickland - Consulting Petroleum Engineer / Texas
Paul is a seasoned experienced petroleum engineer for over 35 years. He has mainaged as many as 2000 wells for Vintage, and grew Medallion Elmo Grove Field, LA from 5 MMCFD to 50 MMCFD, a ten fold increase over 3 years. Paul has held engineering positions for Exxon, Wagner Oil, Wynn Crosby, Kaiser Francis, Newfield Exploration, Vintage Petroleum, and Netherland-Sewell.
Keith Pickett - Consulting Petroleum Engineer / California
Brad Dewitt - Consulting Petroleum Engineer / California - Read Resume
Eric Hadsell - Consulting Petroleum Engineer / California - Read Resume
Matthew Ballard - Operations Manager / Central California
Scott Hector - Consulting Geologist / California
Doyle Angeles - Field Operations / Central California
Clinton Wills & Ben Ferreria - Field Operations / Northern California
Keith Baker - Consulting Geologist / Texas - Read Resume
Ms. Shaymaa Lami - Controller - [email protected]
Ms. Olivia Gonzalez - Senior Administrator - [email protected]
Harvest Petroleum Advisors...
Richard Berman - Harvest Petroleum Financial Advisor
Richard Berman’s business career spans over 35 years of venture capital, senior management and merger & acquisitions experience. In the past 5 years, Mr. Berman has served as a director and/or officer of over a dozen public and private companies. Read Resume
We have operated or participated with other industry partners in the
producing basins of Texas, Louisiana, California, Kansas, Oklahoma, and

Operator #363117 - Texas RRC.
Areas of Operations and Working Interests...
Harvest Petroleum Operates in California and Texas
Industry Participation History..
Oil & Gas Companies we have done business with:
* Shell Oil
* NuTech Energy Alliance.
* Gaither Petroleum Inc.
* Hanson Production Inc.
* Hassie Hunt Production Inc. (Now XTO)
* Kaiser Petroleum Inc.
* Magnum Producing Inc.
* Merit Energy Inc.
* PetroHawk Operating Inc.
* Range Resources
* Samson Oil & Gas Inc.
* Slawson Exploration Inc. |